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The Bunker-icon-Big
"They weren't looking forward to visitors, were they?"
This article contains spoilers for Amnesia: The Bunker. Proceed with caution.

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My dear Mr. Mandus, I admire your vision; I truly do. But there are surely not enough pigs in the whole of London to feed the appetite of such a machine

The professor, Halloween teaser

Professor A was the unknown guest who was sent to Mandus' factory by the ministry. He is never seen in-game, but is referenced in one of Mandus' documents and can be heard having conversations with Mandus on various phonographs scattered around the game.


Mandus' documents reveal that the Professor was sent to ascertain his mental well-being after his prolonged absence from the club, however Mandus believed that the Professor was sent to spy on him. He was later presumably killed and thrown into The Machine by Oswald Mandus, as evidenced by their final conversation.

The Professor seems to have been a prominent figure in the investigations of Jack the Ripper, often being called upon to perform forensic examinations of the victims.


The conversations between Mandus and the professor can be heard through phonographs and flashbacks throughout the game.

A Visitor

Mandus - "You don't mind if I record this, do you? I find it most useful."

Professor A - "Ah, you have one of those wonderful de Martinville's? No, of course not, my dear fellow."

Mandus - "It's my own design, Professor, along with everything you see."

Professor A - "Most useful. You understand, of course, why the Ministry sent me? That they have concerns?"


Professor A - "I must say my dear man, you look awful."

Mandus - "Yes, I seem to have picked up something rather nasty in Mexico."

Professor A - "I do understand. What you have been through... a lesser man would have crumbled. Yet you have made all of this. Your great factory, your charities, it is a wonder. For one man alone..."

Mandus - "It will all be made clear Professor. But first, a drink?" 


Professor A - "Extraordinary, quite extraordinary. And you built it all. Good God man, you have been busy."

Mandus - "It is wonderful how tragedy focuses the mind. What else was I to do? Fall into grief, pine and fade in my hopelessness? Why not then simply die in that jungle amongst those dead temples."

Constructing the New God

Mandus - "Your faith shackles your vision Professor, it is an iron coffin that keeps you from grasping the future. We require a new deity, one of steam and the wheel, of magnetism and progress. The old God is nothing more than a lamed hog, spitting back offal at mankind."

Breaking a Cycle

Mandus - "These men, Professor, these so-called men of vision! They would shackle the masses to a wheel and turn it until their backs break. All for that opiate, the lure of profit. These fools who lackey them, these priests, these officials, this... government. They make pigs of us all!"

Professor A - "But what solution, my dear man, how to break a cycle. You cannot simply remove the promise of a better world for these unfortunates. In the workhouses, in the orphanages, the belief in heaven is surely the only succor one can find!"

Mandus - "We do not need to wait! We can bring forth paradise now! We can speed the passion! With only a small sacrifice we can hold the apocalypse. With just a small sacrifice we can free our shackles and deliver them to paradise now."

Like Pigs to Truffles

Mandus - "But we can save them, we can set them free, we can replace a rotten old world, with a clean new one!"

Professor A - "Mr. Mandus, you sound every bit the fanatic."

Mandus - "Well how can I be otherwise Professor? How can any man of ethics simply stand by and watch this world drown in its own excrement?"

Professor A - "And your Engineer, this visionary with whom you embarked upon this course. Does he share your views?"

Mandus - "Indeed he does, indeed he does! The poor fellow has seen it all before, now this is not the first great civilization he has wept for."

Professor A - "And so you set about things immediately upon your return."

Mandus - "Naturally, naturally, these things cannot be left to rot upon the tree, and sponsors were remarkably easy to find. I tell you Professor, a trail of greed brings rich men to your door, like pigs to truffles!"

Mandus the Conduit

Professor A - "You seem to have undergone quite a profound conversion in Mexico, Mr Mandus."

Mandus - "You could not have seen it yourself and not, Professor. As we disembarked, even through my fever I saw the detritus of this so-called progress. I saw starvation and disease, rot and destruction polluting the waters of the Empire. We are ruiners, you and I and all of us, and we make the world unclean."

Professor A - "And you took it upon yourself to act as redeemer?"

Mandus - "Professor, I would not be so presumptuous. I am merely a conduit. I am constructing an architecture to wrestle our damnation to the ground and smother it with steam."

It's All so Relative

Professor A - "And they feel no pain. The process is completely humane?

Mandus - "Humane, Professor? That we judge the acceptable level of suffering by the human condition? Ask the beggar, Professor. Ask the orphan, ask the whore. Ask the starving, Professor, the weak, the sick, the filthy. Ask them to define your humane!"

We Are the Pig

Professor A - "I can meet him? Your great engineer? How marvellous! I must say Mr Mandus, my excitement is almost unseemly!"

Mandus - "Yes, I can see that. Step this way Professor. I will be right behind you."

Professor A - "Mandus? Mandus, where the devil are you? I can't see a damn thing. Mandus!"

Mandus - "We are the pig, Professor. We are all the pig."
