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Issue: Add info from Amnesia: Rebirth.

Laudanum is an item found in Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Amnesia: Justine, and Amnesia: Rebirth. It is also a removed item from Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs. In The Dark Descent and Justine, Laudanum is used to restore Daniel's or Justine's health by one level per bottle. They are quite scarce in numbers compared to oil and tinderboxes. In Rebirth, Laudanum decreases Tasi's level of fear, and is even more scarce than in the previous games, with only three bottles that can be found throughout the game.

In reality, laudanum is an alcoholic herbal preparation containing approximately 10% powdered opium by weight (the equivalent of 1% morphine).[citation needed] A potent narcotic by virtue of its high morphine concentration, laudanum was historically used to treat a variety of ailments, but its principal use was as an analgesic and cough suppressant.[citation needed]

During the 19th century, which is when the events of Amnesia: The Dark Descent take place, laudanum was commonly used when treating pain and wounds,[citation needed] making it a fitting healing item in the game.

In Amnesia: The Bunker, the Laudanum was replaced by both the Bandage and the Medkit as healing items, respectively. However, it is also possible that the bottle containing medicinal liquid inside the latter may have been a Laudanum as well, although this hasn't been confirmed yet.

Amnesia: The Dark Descent and Justine[]


Three bottles of laudanum.

One bottle of laudanum heals Daniel by 25% of his health or one health level:

  • All is good
  • A few cuts and bruises
  • A wound is bleeding quite badly
  • Barely conscious

There are a total of 16 Laudanum bottles that can be found throughout Amnesia: The Dark Descent. This is enough to heal Daniel from "Barely conscious" to "All is good" five times, and still have one bottle to spare. One single bottle of laudanum can also be found in Amnesia: Justine.

Laudanum locations[]

Sorted by order of appearance.

  • Wine Cellar
    • In a corner on a shelf.
  • Refinery
    • Near a piece of Daniel's diary in a tiny room.
  • Cellar Archives
    • In the back of a small room filled with bookshelves.
  • Storage
    • In a chest in the small room adjacent to the room with the explosive liquids.
    • In a chest located in the small room, you get to after blowing up the rocks blocking your path, hidden behind a bunch of barrels.
  • Guest Room
    • In a desk.
  • Prison – Southern Block
    • In a small dead-end blocked by rocks next to a tinderbox.
  • Prison – Northern Block
    • In a corner of the kitchen.
  • Morgue
    • In the room where you find the copper tube.
    • In a desk in the room with the dead body that you need to inject blood from.
  • Sewer
    • In the tiny room with the Grunt that has been ripped to pieces.
    • Hidden behind a bunch of rocks as you sneak up on the stationary Brute, blocking the way to the Nave.
  • Nave
    • In a small room, you pass by walking towards the Choir Entrance.
    • In the small room next to Agrippa. Can only be obtained after you return to the Nave for the second time, after escaping from the Cells.
  • Choir – Main Hall
    • In the room with the iron maiden.
  • Cells
    • In the same cell where you find the bucket.
  • Cells (Justine)
    • (Justine DLC) Close to one of the cells in the main area of the Cells.

Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs[]

Pig Mask
"I am begging you. You made me. You are my Creator, my Father. You cannot destroy me!"
This article is about content that ended up unused or was removed during production.

In Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs, Laudanum was supposed to be used to decrease Infection (a cut mechanic from the game) by one level, but was removed from the final game, alongside Penicillin, which was supposed to decrease it by two levels.[citation needed]

Amnesia: Rebirth[]

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Laudanum in Amnesia: Rebirth is a rare item that can be used to reduce your fear level.[citation needed] There are only three bottles of laudanum in the game.[citation needed]

One empty Laudanum bottle is found on the plane Cassandra, close by Tasi Trianon post-crash, and another was located near the corpse of Professor Herbert. A number of bottles were also present in the abandoned Legion Fort.

Amnesia: The Bunker[]

Although laudanum cannot be collected directly, it is possible that it's part of the medkit item, which is capable of restoring all the player's health. There are two components inside the medkit that are seen during the healing animation: a bottle and bandages.

When using a medkit, Henri will open the kit, drink the bottle, then use the bandages inside. The bottle is the exact same model as the laudanum in Rebirth, however, the bottle's label is completely blank.



  • In Amnesia: The Dark Descent, there is a laudanum bottle found on the Level Editor on the Wine Cellar map that can only be seen in the editor, but not in-game. In the room with the Calamine in it, there is another laudanum bottle in a chest. After you pick up the Calamine and are temporarily incapacitated, stack boxes to get up on the higher shelf that the barrel fell from. You should see the chest with the bottle of laudanum in there.
  • In Amnesia: Rebirth, a note with guidelines on usage and contents of laudanum can be found explicitly warning against the use by pregnant persons.[1]


  1. Laudanum usage note (Rebirth) – "LAUDANUM

