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These are all the flashbacks from Amnesia: The Dark Descent.

Journey to Sanctum 1[]

Occurs after entering the Entrance Hall.

Alexander, is it inside the castle?
In a manner of speaking. Come, bring the lamp. You've been to the refinery have you not?
I don't believe I have. Is it connected to the... what did you call it?
The inner sanctum – my most precious chamber, Daniel. And it lies well beyond the refinery. In fact... it lies beneath the very stone of Brennenburg.
Daniel and Alexander on their way to the Inner Sanctum.

Map Room[]

Occurs when entering the floor plans room in the Archives.

Much of the castle is old and hasn't been tended to for centuries. When the shadow arrives, it won't take long until things start falling apart.
We are just buying time anyway. Let's do what we can.
There isn't much to be done about the wards. We should reinforce weak structures. The ground will tremble and there is a risk everything will cave in on us – especially downstairs. Here... here... and there. Let's get the servants working on it.
Alexander and Daniel discussing reinforcing Brennenburg in anticipation of the Shadow's arrival.

Secret Books[]

Occurs when entering the local history room in the Archives.

You have to be swift – when you activate the first one...
[Clicking starts, but swiftly stops]
...You hear that? If it stops, you'll have to start over.
Isn't all this a bit... excessive?
You can never be too careful, Daniel.
Alexander explaining how to access the hidden room in the Archives.

Baron's Chemistry[]

Occurs when approaching the centre of the Laboratory.

[Bubbling, the baron turning the pages of a book]
Hmmm... There should be more Cuprite. Let me see, let me see... And one part Aqua Fortis.
Alexander trying to create artificial Vitae.

Transformation 1[]

Occurs after entering the Wine Cellar.

[Sound of bottles clinking together]
Servant #1
Where did the baron go?
Servant #2
Who cares? He left us enough wine to last us a lifetime. Or at least [burp] until tomorrow!
[Both laugh, one man coughs]
Wilhelm's men making merry and drinking Alexander's wine, naive of his murderous intent.

Transformation 2[]

Occurs when entering the room in the Wine Cellar filled with scattered flesh.

Servant #1
What's happening? Oh! It feels... like... my chest is going... to burst!
[Sound of flesh tearing violently]
Servant #2
My God, Wilhelm, do something!
Accept it. We're not getting out of here alive.
Servant #2
How can you say that? Alexander, you piece of shit, let us out of here! [coughs]
Wilhelm's men futilely begging to be let out before their grotesque deaths and/or transformations take hold, while Wilhelm accepts his fate.

Journey to Sanctum 2[]

Occurs after entering the Refinery.

It sure is dark in here.
Yes, and there is a good reason for it. But you can light the lamp now if you wish.
What's the reason? For the darkness, that is.
Stay close – be careful not to stray.
What's the reason? Why is it so dark?
Pay attention, Daniel. It's important that you keep going straight and make sure not to stray.
Alexander and Daniel travelling through the Refinery on their way to the Inner Sanctum.

Journey to Sanctum 3[]

Occurs when entering the room with the Elevator in the Back Hall.

You have an ascending room! Will it take us to the inner sanctum?
It will definitely take care of the vertical part of our journey. So, you have ridden an elevator before?
Yes, the Colosseum at Regent's Park has one. It takes you to the gallery where you can view the panorama.
[Chains clinking]
Good. This ride might be a little longer – and in the other direction.
[The sound of a lever being pulled, followed by the elevator rumbling]
Daniel and Alexander in the Back Hall, on their way to the Inner Sanctum.

Daniel's Mind 1[]

Occurs after entering the Guest Room.

My journal is gone. What would they want with my journal?
Daniel realising his journal has been taken from the Guest Room.

Daniel's Mind 2[]

Occurs after breaking open the closet door with the crowbar in the Guest Room.

The key! Please, let it be here.
Daniel trying to find the key to the Machine Room.

Daniel's Mind 3[]

Occurs when finding the key behind the painting in the Guest Room.

Oh, thank God, there it is. Huh, I guess it is a good place to hide it then.
Daniel after finding the key to the Machine Room.


Occurs when examining the bed in the Guest Room.

[gasp] What?
Still having nightmares, I see.
Yes, I can't shake them. They come every night.
We'll put a stop to them. You'll see.
Daniel waking up from a nightmare.

Dog Experiment[]

Occurs when entering the room with the dead dogs in the Study.

Let's see what you have to offer.
[Sawing noises]
[grunts] Ugh... what a mess. I should have sharpened the saw. But I can sense it. It's definitely there.
Alexander trying to extract Vitae from animals.

Chasing Girl 1[]

Occurs while walking towards the blocked off path in the Storage.

Young girl
Please, let me go. I won't tell anyone, I swear. I just want to go home... No! Get away from me! Leave me alone!
Elise Zimmermann begging for her life.

Chasing Girl 2[]

Occurs while further advancing into the Storage.

Young girl
Why are you doing this!? Get away from me.
Elise Zimmermann growing more panicked.

Chasing Girl 3[]

Occurs just before entering the final room in the storage.

Young girl
Oh god, no! Please, I beg you!
[The sound of a person being stabbed multiple times, coupled with grunting]
Elise Zimmermann begging at her most desperate and being interrupted by death.

Mirage 1[]

Occurs when re-entering the Back Hall after being in the Storage.

Don't forget your bag, Daniel.
I won't, Herbert.
There is no shame in using a parasol in the desert. As it happens, it's imperative to your survival.
But it looks ridiculous.
The shame will hurt much less than dying, I assure you.
Daniel and Herbert during their Algerian expedition.

Journey to Sanctum 4[]

Occurs after entering the prison.

Come – this way.
[A prisoner is heard moaning loudly in the distance]
What was that?
Forgive me. I should have warned you. One of my responsibilities as a baron is that of a prison warden. This is where criminals are locked up.
Like a dungeon?
Very much so. Come – don't linger.
Alexander leading Daniel through the prison on their way to the Inner Sanctum.

Girl Escape[]

Occurs when entering the cell with the hole in the floor in the southern prison block.

Young girl (Elise Zimmermann)
But mother, I don't want to leave without you.
Mother (Agathe Zimmermann)
Hurry child – you must go. Find Gabriel the outrider and tell him to alert the king's men.
Young girl
No, you come too!
Please, we don't have time to make the hole any wider!
Young girl
[Clinking noise, followed by approaching footsteps]
Someone is coming. Hurry! I'll cover the hole with the bed. Everything will be fine – I promise.
Agathe Zimmermann helping her daughter, Elise Zimmermann, escape.


Occurs when entering the room where the chipper can be found in the southern prison block.

Where is she!? Where did she go!?
[sobbing] No, I won't tell. I'll never tell you!
You are just making things worse. Look – this is no place for a young girl all by herself. She could be hurt or worse. There is no telling what horrors await down there.
Daniel interrogating Agathe Zimmermann about her escaped daughter's whereabouts.

Prisoner Captured[]

Occurs when entering a cell in the northern prison block.

Hey! Anybody, help! Christ – I don't believe this. Why... I mean why? What did I do to deserve this? I mean, it can't be... Do I deserve this? It wasn't my fault! Why did he have to go in there? You don't go into burning houses. He should have known better.
Prisoner lamenting his fate and proclaiming his innocence.


Occurs while walking through a hallway in the northern prison block.

Hey you! Stop!
Young girl
Don't come any closer! I just want to leave.
[The sound of a door being opened, followed by the sound of heavy rainfall]
You can't go outside! It's too dangerous!
[Door closed]
Young girl
I'm telling Gabriel.
I doubt that very much.
Daniel chasing after the escaped girl.

Journey to Sanctum 5[]

Occurs after entering the Cistern Entrance.

So you use the drain sewers as a means of transport?
Yes – they were built to divert water from an underground spring and are quite spacious. It seemed only natural to incorporate it into the overall structure.
But we won't be using it.
Not today. The flow is seasonal and when the spring runs dry, the damp tunnels produce a rather poisonous type of fungi. There is an antidote of course – but we won't be bothering with it today. Come, this way instead. We're almost there.
Alexander and Daniel in the Cistern Entrance on their way to the Inner Sanctum.

Mirage 2[]

Occurs after entering the Control Room.

[Clacking sound of a camel's hooves]
Herbert, how did we find this place?
An old friend back in Algiers gave me a map.
Why isn't he with us? Didn't he want to come?
He wanted to Daniel. But things don't always turn out the way we plan.
Herbert and Daniel discussing Faraj.

Cistern Visit[]

Occurs after entering the Cistern.

You are conserving water from the spring.
Yes, it enables me to control the water in the drain sewers to some extent. Also, it can be used for all sorts of purposes.
Like for drinking.
Well, that too. But mostly to run different machines.
Ahh... like water mills.
Alexander showing Daniel the cistern.

Morgue Visit[]

Occurs after entering the Morgue.

Do you see Daniel? It has yielded.
The shadow.
It has?
For now. Come; let's get this out of here so we can get some peace.
Yes, lets. Where to?
Just down the corridor. To the morgue.
Are there more – dead men there?
You did well, Daniel. Come, let's get going.
Alexander and Daniel, on their way to the Morgue.

False Dead Plague 1[]

Occurs when entering the room in the morgue where the metal tube can be found.

What? What happened? Why are all these dead...? Where am I? What's happening? Help! Anybody help!
Man waking up in a room in the morgue, not actually dead and now trapped.

False Dead Plague 2[]

Occurs in the same room as the previous flashback after staying in it for a little while.

Two... three days now. This is ridiculous. Why doesn't someone come to this room!? Hey! Anybody! Am I all alone here? Help! Help! I'm so tired... If I sleep – will I wake from this nightmare? If not, I pray my heavenly Father will take me in my sleep.
The man still trapped in the morgue several days later.

Prisoner Transported[]

Occurs when approaching the mill in the Sewer.

What's happening? What are you doing? Let me go! Please don't take me – nobody ever returns!
Prisoner pleading while being transported through the drain sewers.

Alexander and Agrippa[]

Occurs after having walked down the spiral staircase in the Nave.

[Light slapping noises]
I need you to stay awake. Can you feel the syringe?
No, I can't feel anything. Alexander?
Soon, I won't even be able to move, will I?
Your life is safe.
I don't doubt that – but will it be worth living?
Alexander injecting Agrippa with vitae to keep him alive.

Prisoner Wait Room[]

Occurs when entering one of the holding cells in the Nave.

I know this. I've been here already. I know this taste – the taste of Damascus Rose obfuscating the truth in a dim haze. They may sweep the traces from my memory, but my body remembers. These cuts speak volumes, even though my mind remains silent. They will be back. Oh, they will be back.
Prisoner pondering his circumstances in a holding cell.

Journey to Sanctum 6[]

Occurs after entering the Chancel.

Just a little further.
It's like Orpheus descending into the underworld!
Are you hiding something?
What do you mean?
Never mind. Your intuition is – remarkable.
I'm not sure I'm following.
It doesn't matter. It's just a myth after all.
Alexander and Daniel entering the Chancel, heading for the Inner Sanctum.

Wait Room[]

Occurs when re-entering the Nave from the Chancel.

These cells are meant to hold prisoners who are under treatment. The people you send for will end up here. Remember that the confinement itself works as a preamble to the torture and you should pace yourself. Don't take anyone before they are ready.
Sounds from the torture chambers are shuffled in through those pipes in the ceiling. Manage your victims well and let one prisoner's pain instill terror in his cellmate.
Alexander explaining the holding cells to Daniel.

Prisoner Cage[]

Occurs after entering the Transept.

How much more, Baron? How much more am I supposed to withstand? Kill me already! Kill me!
This one, prepare him.
Alexander recommending a caged torture victim for Daniel to prepare for torture.

Prisoner Dragged[]

Occurs whilst walking towards one of the torture rooms in the Transept.

Let me go, you brute! [grunts]
The Cradle is ready.
You? You're a man... How can you partake in this!?
Is he alright?
He is one of the wicked. Don't pay his lies any attention.
I'm not a bad man. It was an accident...
He set a man on fire.
It wasn't my fault! Why won't anyone listen!?
That's horrible.
Of course – we are dealing with monsters here.
Alexander and Daniel dragging a prisoner to the Judas' Cradle.

Prisoner Before Torture[]

Occurs when entering a torture room in the Transept.

No, no please! I'll do anything! Whatever you want! [sobbing] Anything! I'll do anything! I'm innocent!
Prisoner pleading before being led off for torture.

Torture Wheel[]

Occurs after entering the room with the torture wheel in the Choir – Main Hall.

The wheel is good for keeping your victim still during the procedure. They can be bound around the circumference or simply stretched across, tying limbs to the spokes and rim. All tools are, by this point, useful and you may administer the torture in any way you like. But the forte of the wheel is the gaps. When you have decided that the victim shall die, you can smash their limbs with a hammer, making them fold in between the frame.
But they'll die – too quickly, I mean.
No, don't worry. The human body is much more resilient. They can survive for days until they finally succumb.
Alexander explaining the torture wheel to Daniel.